Friday, September 12, 2014

My Summer Bedspread

 A couple of years ago, I made a purple crazy quilt bedspread for my room.  I LOVE that bedspread, but it is too warm for summer because I attached it to a very warm blanket.  Great for winter but too much for summer.  That is when I decided to make a Summer Spread.  I remembered seeing some pre-quilted lightweight bedspreads at Bed Bath and Beyond and I decided it would be fun to dress one up with a crazy quilted Dresden plate.

A few months before this, I had spotted this great template called Fats Cats.  It helps you make large Dresden plate designs quickly.  After I made the Dresden plate, crazy quilted and all, I appliqued it to the pre-quilted bedspread.  Such an easy and quick project.  To tie it all together I folded my winter purple bedspread at the end of the bed.

I am really happy with the result!  For the blog posts that I wrote when I was making my purple bedspread, go to the upper left corner of my blog, and in the search bar, put in bedspread and all the posts I wrote while making it will come up.

Talk to you later,