Monday, November 12, 2012

A Very Special Photo Shoot

 For those of you that follow my blog, you may remember that I went to visit Allie Aller this summer.  I met Allie for the first time last year when I asked her to come teach at the Victorian Stitchery Retreat.  We found an instant connection and have become fast friends over the last year or so.

While we were together this year for the retreat, we asked Judith Baker Montano if she would take some pictures of us together.  Judith is an extremely gifted photographer and takes most of her own pictures for her beautiful books.  She agreed to do this for us and what fun it was!

 As you can see here, one of us cannot keep her head still!

What fun getting to see the pictures as Judith took them....


Judith even took some individual pictures for us...

After three different mornings and 400 pictures, we agreed that this picture was the winner as the best photo of us together.  So you ask, why did we spend so much time taking pictures together?  Well this is why...Allie Aller and I are writing a book together!  To say we are excited about this project doesn't even come close to how we feel!   I am very blessed to be teamed up with Allie and it has been a great ride to be on...

To get Allie's post on our wonderful photo shoot, you may visit her at

 Talk to you later,