I finished another UFO! It feels so good to see my UFO pile get smaller and smaller. This is a Snowflake block that I taught as a class about a year ago. I just love to do blocks on point with a fan at the bottom...if you can't tell...Ha! I keep working on UFO's so I'll keep you posted.
Summer is my favorite time of year, there are ALOT of outdoor activities that keep me from crazy quilting.
Here are two of the things that distract me: my children are out of school and we all love to swim! We put in a pool 5 years ago and it is the best thing we ever did! By the end of summer my kid's are so fit from swimming all the time.
Here is my latest distraction! I wanted to buy a bicycle last summer, but I ended up buying an iPad instead. I don't regret that as I just love my iPad! But this summer I was finally able to buy my PINK bicycle. No surprise on the color at all I'm sure. I just love riding this thing. The grocery store is riding distance from my house as well as Hancock's Fabrics and Hobby Lobby. We also have a park with riding paths across the street from my house. If you place an order with me on my website...I could very well be riding my bike to mail your order! I still need to get a basket on the front so Daisy(my sweet poodle) can ride with me!
Hope all of you are having a wonderful summer also and I'll talk to you later!