This spring has really been different for me. Unexpectedly, I took a break from teaching! I have taught crazy quilting from my home for 15 years and I am used to 4- 6 wonderful ladies coming over to take classes from me every week. I have used the time off to work on a project that has become near and dear to my heart and I am very excited about. When I am not working on that, I am finishing up UFO's. It has been a wonderful feeling to finish some of the projects around here. My heart feels freer and lighter just getting them done. The daffodil block above is a class I taught about 3 years ago. My two youngest children were still small at the time, so it was all I could do to get the projects ready for a class. Totally finishing them with the back, binding etc...was impossible! I just love the spring feel to this block!
I am also piecing some blocks for the next MCC sale. I forgot to take a picture of the first block I passed out. It was a basic black on black block with nothing on it yet. I pieced the second block today. The silk ribbon embroidery in the middle was a class I taught last year and I just decided that I would put it in this block for MCC.
Well I better get back to finishing UFO's!
Talk to you later,