Wow! What a week...it was such a roller coaster. As many of you know, myself and 6 other ladies make an crazy quilt for the MCC sale every year. About a month ago, we found out that they moved the deadline up by 3 weeks....AHHHHHH.....we have a tight schedule and we usually turn the quilt in the last day on April 1. Off and on again, I had my doubts that we would get it done in time but I kept working towards the goal as did everyone else. On Wednesday of this week, I sent an email to one of the girls telling her I just didn't think we could do it. First reason, the trim I ordered so all the fans would match never came, second reason, the fabric I ordered never came, third and worst reason of all....I only had 13 of the 14 squares that surround the center. I had no idea where it was! We are all very responsible and all the years we have done this, nothing has every been LOST. Then I thought, did I piece all 14 or did I miscount. That night one of the girls called me and became the voice of reason. I scan all of the pictures of the squares before they are embellished and we found that it was square #5 that was missing. I began to think, if someone returned it to me when they came to class where would I have put it. Well I went down to my shop and saw a mailing tube sitting there. Opened it up, and there it was, but it was not done. We figured it had sat in the tube since July....AHHHHH! What in the world happened, life I guess. Anyway the picture above is what the quilt looked like yesterday morning. I spent 12 hours yesterday piecing and sewing on trim. Dixie spend Thursday and Friday finishing the lost square and Chris helped me sew trim and ribbons and shop for fabric yesterday.

A major miracle happened this morning...we actually tied the quilt and bound it! Here is the cat helping out too! And no, we didn't use white on the back! The only fabric we could find for the backing was a beautiful plum color, but it was lined with vinyl for a drapery type project. We thought, well this will be interesting, will our needles go through it? The fabric store didn't even have a needle around to let us try it before we bought the fabric. So we took a risk....

Well here we are, inside tying the quilt. Thank you Vonda, so much for coming to help at the last minute! We couldn't have done it without you!

Here is Chris and Dixie finally binding the quilt! (I told them to smile...Ha!) Actually they were very happy, we were actually going to finish!

This crazy quilt, I have to say is stunning! It is the absolute best one we have every made! Thanks Dixie, Chris, Vonda, Terri, Pat, Barb, Ginger we have a real winner on our hands!

Here it is still on the floor right after we tied and did the binding. Tomorrow I will try to get a picture of it hanging up! I will be very sad to see it leave, it is so beautiful. Off we will go in April to see it auction off!
Talk to you later,

That quilt is a real stunner, Val! I love the colors, the stitching and the setting. Be sure to let us know how much it brings! Thanks for sharing this beauty. Hugs, Cathy