Invitations for the retreat went out today! I so love doing the retreat, but really don't like the paper work! Remember, there is no postal service on Monday, so don't panic if you don't get your invitation until later in the week. If you don't get one and wanted one, please let me know! We had so many requests for invitations this year it was really hard to keep up!

Today I will feature Gerry Krueger as the next teacher on our line up. She will be teaching a Miniature Painting workshop on Monday evening. She says no artistic ability required! The class size will be limited to 10 lucky people, so I wouldn't wait too long to register for this class.
I really think her buttons are so cute!
To Barb W., yes I saw your wonderful article in CQMagonline and I recognized the squares! So cute! To Bonnie, I do have your address and Vicki, I so hope you can come!
Talk to you later,