For those of you who don't know me very well, I am really a science geek. I have a degree in biology and silly me 10 years later I went back and got a chemistry degree. Ha, the joke is on me, I now teach crazy quilting! It just goes to show that you don't always know where life is going to lead you. The other day, I was piecing the large center portion of the crazy quilt that my small group is making for the MCC Sale. I thought to myself, this is the anatomy of a crazy quilt. The skeleton that makes the quilt what it is. With this skeleton, you then embellish it and make it beautiful. To piece my crazy quilt "skeleton" for a large center, I start by cutting my muslin the size I want it. Then I take an air erase pen and mark how I want to piece it.

With the center of this year's MCC quilt, I am doing it like last year's Valentine quilt, with a fan in each corner. I piece my center, keeping in mind what I am going to do on each corner.

I piece my corner's and voila, it starts to come to life!

I decided to do something with an oval shape in the center, so I did a little running stitch to remind all of us that we only need to do stitches to the line.

I am really anxious to see what everyone in my group does to embellish our crazy quilt "skeleton", I'll keep you posted!
Talk to you later,

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