Friday, April 30, 2010

Back from Omaha and the new MCC Crazy Quilt

Well, I am back from teaching in Omaha and I had a wonderful time! I really had to laugh because I gave a lecture there on Tuesday night at the hospital. They didn't have a cart to carry my stuff in, so we used wheelchairs! I don't know why, I just think that is funny! I have my bags hanging from the IV stand.

The next 6 pictures are of the first squares that we will be working on for the next MCC Crazy Quilt which will be all about pansies.

Talk to you later and have a good weekend!


  1. A wheel chair!? That's hilarious! Did they also give you handicapped parking? Oh, no!!! :0
    Your blocks are so pretty. I know they don't translate as well in photos because I can tell they have silks mixed in. Lovely. Can't wait to see what your group comes up with.

  2. We had planned on Omaha ... but still any openings to you. Looks like you are the leader for retreats. Omaha is just so much closer for me. But I truly loved yours.
