I had one comment recently that asked me to tell you more about the Omaha Crazy Quilt Convention. Soo...every year they have what is called the Prom Dress Swap. Everyone who wants to participate brings a prom dress (like from a garage sale or Goodwill). The dresses are all laid out on tables and at the count of three, everyone proceeds to cut the dresses up. Of course you must be polite and no matter how well you like a dress you should save some for the next person...Well that night after the swap we were all admiring our fabrics and an idea came to us. Why don't we make something for the Scholarship auction with the prom dress fabrics. So, I went through my fabrics the other day and came up with these two squares. I figure if I do one seam or open spot a week it will be ready for the convention next year. Oh.... and I have decided it will be a purse. Oh if it is too pretty well...I don't know what I will do!
See you later,